Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Roasted brussels sprouts and tortellini salad...

Sidebar right off the bat... I can never remember if it's brussel or brussels sprouts. I literally did a Google search on it before starting this post. Anyhow, it's brussels, FYI.

Over the holidays I think I ingested roughly 100 lbs of sugar, so I'm trying to eat healthier and cut out desserts. So for lunch today I wanted something substantial but good for me. I know myself better than going from pasta and desserts at every meal to just veggies, it never works. I end up mainlining a bag of hershey kisses and hating myself. So I split the difference and made a small portion of frozen tortellini, roasted brussels sprouts in olive oil and tossed them together with balsamic vinegar.

It was delicious and filling and will definitely be making it into the recipe rotation. Yum!  

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